Gameforge Mafia Game Cheats

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  • Mafia City cheats. It’s true, there are now Mafia City cheats out there that are working. The one we developed and linked in this article is a Mafia City gold hack.

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The Grand Mafia is YottaGames’ new strategy title, that’s out now on iOS and Android platforms. If you have played a lot of base-building strategy games before, then chances are that you have not yet delved into one that is centered around a “Mafia” theme. The Grand Mafia further makes itself unique by incorporating a storyline within which the initial progression of your mob and territory’s growth revolves in. There are plenty of content to ensure countless hours of active and idle progression.

The graphics are pretty decent as well and the interface is very welcoming to even total beginners in the genre. If mobs, hits, and gangster-related skirmishes and activities are your thing, or if you revel in any type of base-building strategy game, then jump in on The Grand Mafia and find out just how ridiculously addictive it can be.

The Grand Mafia sets you on a role as a member of a top-class mob that lost its luster as its Godfather, along with most members of its family, has been wiped out by opposing gangsters. More so, you have been set up to pay for those crimes and have just been out of prison to exact revenge. As you continue to rebuild your fallen family, you will seek to take back control of the city and recruit former associates to join your call.

The city is littered with danger in every corner and you must align yourself with other mob bosses in a faction to bolster the growth of your influence. It is a steep and trying path back to the top of the mob ladder but with unfailing effort along with the right people and alliances by your side, it is a feat that you can certainly accomplish.

There are certainly a lot of game mechanics and features in The Grand Mafia that can seem a bit overwhelming for beginners and experienced players alike. Given that what most strategy game aficionados maybe used to are either strategy games on modern warfare or themes revolving around empires and gladiators, the concept of one that is closer to reality can bring about a lack of familiarity. The Grand Mafia, however, works much like any base-builder strategy game. The existence of quests or missions as well as the concept of multitasking has been well-injected into the game.

Considering the simple interface and newbie-friendly one-tap controls, even a total beginner will easily get used to the basic aspects of the game to explore and engage in. If you are looking to grow your family and dominate the city, the check out our comprehensive beginner’s guide for The Grand Mafia below!

1. Follow The Story Chapter Progressions

The Grand Mafia certainly holds an intriguing and mildly immersive story line. Beyond getting to know the gist of what has transpired to motivate the protagonist to take on the mantle of the godfather, and consequently engage in various criminal activities, progressing through the quests associated with each of the game’s chapter has its own set of perks and rewards that can tremendously boost your career progression.

Both account level and experience stand as a very important aspect of any base-building strategy game. Often, your account level serves as the main key in unlocking the rest of the game’s features. Although there are plenty of ways to earn EXP and raise your account level in The Grand Mafia, the completion of each objective within the story chapters are your main source.

As The Grand Mafia is loaded with a plethora of activities for you to engage in, following the main quest actually serves as your guide towards making progress in every aspect of the game. There may be restrictions in construction and upgrades as well as in some activities but often, you will find yourself able to have a variety of choices as far as prioritization of efforts go.

Looking into each chapter objective, by tapping on the quest line at the lower left side of the screen, you can choose which from among the list can be accomplished more easily so be sure to prioritize those. Some can also be engaged in consecutively while others are dependent on some objectives within the same list.

Do note that some objectives in the story chapters take time to complete. Being situated in such scenarios will be your cue to take on other missions or activities. There are a lot of quick actions you can take along with quests that you are pursuing and for starters, claiming production items and free supplies within your territory are part of the regular tasks you should be doing.

2. Maximize Efficiency By Always Multitasking

Just like any other base-building strategy game, one of the core aspects of The Grand Mafia is that you are settled on a huge world where there are other mob bosses who started ahead of you in amassing power and resources. While this predicament may seem like a disadvantage for some, all is made fair thanks to the “Truce” shield that protects you from attacks from other players in conjunction with the much quicker inflow of rewards and bonuses at the early part of your journey.

It is very much possible to overtake a lot of players in terms of power and progression as there are hardly any delimiting factors to keep you from engaging in as many activities as you want. For the most part, it is all about efficiency and your ability to multitask.

The Grand Mafia holds a wide variety of mechanics that serve as measures and monitors of your productivity ranging from constructions, building upgrades, training, and investments, which is the counterpart of research in conventional strategy games. The idea is to ensure that each of these processes are busy before you engage in the rest of the other activities that require your attention.

Note that there are countdown timer bars allotted for each of these processes at the upper left corner of your screen and that idle ones are signified by an icon below it. Before you click on the icon to assign a task to any process, be sure to countercheck if there are more immediate undertakings to consider relative to the plot tasks at hand.

Construction is the most important process that should be utilized to the fullest. As you start your climb back to the top of the mob list, you will have an option to try out an extra construction queue for free, which potentially can double the speed of your construction and building upgrades for 24 hours. Once you choose to activate it, be sure to make the most out of its limited time use since there will be no other free chances to have another extra construction queue again.

For the best results, prioritize construction and upgrades that coincide with the requirements of the plot tasks. Temple run 2 cheats game free download. Otherwise, assign one construction queue for an upgrade that takes long to complete and the other one for quick upgrades.

Investments can be made via the investment center and there are numerous ways to go about investing. In some cases, the ones to prioritize should still be aligned to the requirements set in the quest objectives but for the most part, you are free to invest as you wish. There are initially 4 categories to choose from, each with its own set of items to consider. As your investment center increases its level, more categories can be unlocked.

Be sure to take note of prerequisites on some items you can invest in. Read through each of the investment option’s description and backtrack the path you must consider to unlock the option you need. Other than requirements listed in the story quests, one of the priorities here is the hoodlums investment to unlock higher level associates in training.

As far as training associates is concerned, there are some milestones to reach relative to the completion of quest objectives. As long as you are continuously training people, you should be good. For starters, it is best to balance out associates by type and once you determine what types you need based on the perks and buffs granted by your enforcers, train more of the types that give you an advantage.

At some point in your progress, you will unlock additional quests to complete in addition to daily ones and the ones associated with the campaign. Both the Family Tasks, and Faction Tasks will have countdown timer bars along with the main production processes as well.

3. Join A Faction As Soon As You Can

Towards the end of the tutorial session, The Grand Mafia makes it easy enough for you to join a faction. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of factions, it is basically the same with guilds, alliances, clans or any similarly-named player groups that work together towards a common goal. As a staple feature for any MMO game, regardless of genre, this is one aspect of the game that should be well taken advantage of.

While you can always opt to play solo in any MMO, the chances of survival are bleaker in strategy games if you do not align yourself with any faction. As such, you should choose to join a faction as soon as you are able to in The Grand Mafia.

Reasons for aligning yourself with a faction are not just a necessity for your survival. There are numerous perks to receive as a member of any faction, regardless of how much effort you actually put in. There are more benefits for everyone, however, the more active you are. As an end result, it is best for each and every faction member if each member is working as hard as they can for individual and mutual goals.

One of the biggest perks you can continuously receive by being a member of an alliance is the construction and investment assist. As building construction and upgrade takes a lot longer to complete the higher the structure’s level grows, each fellow faction ally can send you aid and reduce the completion time by a minute.

The same applies to investment ventures. While you can quickly see all faction-related activities and features via the “Faction” button at the bottom of your screen, a separate icon pops up at the lower right side of the screen to indicate that a fellow faction member needs assistance. A simple click on it will suffice to provide aid to everyone in need. Likewise, you will be able to tap on a similar button to ask help from every ally from the faction as well as soon as you start constructing or upgrading a building, or invest in any aspect of your mob.

When any faction member purchases a gift or defeats a kingpin on the map, gifts become available for every other faction member. Whenever a faction member claims the gift, the gift gauge meter and another gift becomes available for everyone once it maxes out.

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It is important to stay active within your faction and also make donations to various faction researches being conducted. Research effects make each faction member stronger so consistent donations from every member is a must for the entire faction to prosper. While these may cost you resources, note that every bit of help and support you provide to your faction earns you faction favor points that you can exchange at the shop for various items.

There are a lot of faction-based battles you should also partake in so be sure to keep an eye out for raid invites that provide you rare rewards. You can also initiate similar quests using an item but before you do, be sure that there are numerous faction members online and available to provide you support.

One great feature in The Grand Mafia is the near-instant teleportation you can do to once you join a faction. As this is a must for all base-building strategy games, being a part of any faction makes it important for you to relocate close to your allies. That way, it becomes easier to organize and launch a joint assault against surrounding NPCs or other players as well as provide a good defensive strategy for each and every member.

4. Explore The Surrounding Areas

The progression and development you engage in within your territory is constant preparation for what goes beyond it. Early on, there will be plenty of story quest objectives that will require you to venture out into the world but, beyond that, exploring around on your own will serve its own purpose. There are NPCs and various areas that can earn you a lot of valuable resources. On top of that, checking the opposition, or the status of other players around your territory, is an important aspect of the game as well.

To start off, the search feature at the lower left side of the map can help you search for street bruisers, detectives, and merciless riders. The street bruisers stand as the easiest targets from the bunch and you will have a maximum of 10 attempts each day to eliminate as many as you can. Once you have expended an attempt, you can earn an extra one in 2 hours and defeating one level unlocks the next one. Note that once you can target and defeat a higher level group of street bruisers, you should do so as the rewards they offer are much better.

The detectives and merciless riders stand as kingpins that require energy to take on. Both these NPCs offer great rewards but you also need to research on the “kingpin” node for you to be able to challenge higher level targets. There is a huge disparity between the strength level of cabrons and kingpins. Cabrons can be eliminated with a single attack, while hunting kingpins require several attacks to take down.

For these types of enemies, launching consecutive attacks on a single target is important as subsequent attacks will earn you a damage boost. Given that energy is limited and that each of these NPCs are only available for a limited period of time, it is difficult to eliminate even the first level targets.

Although resources will be plentiful when you start off, the costs of development and maintenance of your mansion and territory will soon make in-house production insufficient. To ensure that you will always have more than enough resources to go around, it is necessary right from the start of your journey to constantly farm for additional resources.

On top of your turf as well as turfs of other players on the map, various other structures can be located. These are mostly resource spots that can earn you one of the five resources you constantly need to stock up on. You can rob banks for extra cash, armories for arms, depots for cargos, metalworks for metals, and jewelers for diamonds. These structures also come with different levels that basically reflect how much resources they have.

Note that while your city may still have protection for the first 2 days of playing or so, your associates outside of it, especially those camped at resource spots can still be attacked by other players. In any case, you can always command them to return to your turf whenever danger arises or when you have filled your need for the resource and would want to have your associates pursue a different objective.

Although you will have temporary protection from skirmishes and turf wars, along with an early relocation to your faction allies, it is best to have a good idea of the general category of surrounding player turfs. To make it easy, you basically categorize them into two groups: predators and prey. Those whose turf levels are much higher than yours potentially impose danger to you once the peace shield drops.

On the other hand, players who have low-level turfs, especially those who may have already abandoned it are your targets once you are ready to drop your protective shields. It is best to wait for the right moment to launch an attack against anyone but, just the same, careful analysis of the surrounding geography will always do you good.

5. Keep Your Enforcers Upgraded

One of the top fun factors in any strategy game centers around the generals or troop leaders you can collect and upgrade to lead your armies into combat. Although there are no gacha mechanics in The Grand Mafia relative to the acquisition of enforcers, obtaining them through accomplishments and rewards involve some luck. There are currently 21 enforcers in the game to unlock and upgrade and each one has his or her own unique set of skills to help your associates and your turf prosper. As such, it is only fitting for you to empower them as much as you can to ensure that they claim victory in any endeavor to assign them to.

To start off, each enforcer boosts the performance of 1 of the 4 types of associates you train in your turf to do your biddings. On top of boosting the number of associates the enforcer can bring with him or her in battle, enforcers also exhibit passive abilities that can boost his associates’ stats in combat. While some of these buffs apply to all associates, most only impact the specific type of associate the enforcer specializes in.

As a strategy, you should later on bank on armies where an enforcer leads the type of associates that benefit from his or her buffs. Initially, though, it cannot be helped to form squads that comprise of mixed types of associates as you continue to train more and raise their numbers.

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The most basic way of empowering an enforcer is through levelling up. Enforcers engaged in battle, whether through the campaign or kingpin hunts, earn experience points. Levelling enforcers up is actually easy and you will also obtain a lot of EXP items to further boost their growth. As you will continue to unlock more and more enforcers, though, it is best to save these consumable items for when a new enforcer needs to catch up in terms of level.

Each enforcer can be equipped with 6 different types of gears as well. This will vary from one enforcer to the next and in most cases, you will have to set a prioritization of sorts in terms of which enforcer gets the item first. Enforcers with a full set of gears can be ranked up and for each rank up, the number of associates he or she can bring along tremendously increases.

There will be a near-endless clamor for more shards of the enforcers you have unlocked as you will need these shards to upgrade the enforcer. Every upgrade unlocks a new set of passive and active skills. You can obtain more shards from progressing through the campaign mode and there are also some unique battles and in-game events that reward you with extra shards.

6. Progress Through The Campaign

Given the number of activities you can engage in as you manage and develop your turf and associates in The Grand Mafia, it can be easy to overlook the campaign mode. Just right in front of the Oakvale signage within your turf, you will see a monument that is unlike any of the other structures around it. If you tap on it, you will be taken to the game’s campaign mode, which is a unique feature not commonly found in other base-building strategy RPGs.

Progression in the campaign mode basically revolves around your overall influence, or power dependent on the level and strength of enforcers, the number of associates you have, and the active buffs and boosts provided by different structures and investments. You can instantly clear a stage within the campaign once you meet the minimum required influence to do so. What most beginners might not know is that you can actually challenge the next stage even if you fall short of the required, or rather recommended, influence level and still manage to bag a win and progress through to the next stage.

You need to consume stamina whenever you challenge a stage within the campaign and it also replenishes over time. If the disparity between the recommended influence level and your current one is not that huge, then feel free to challenge the stage. There are various rewards to obtain from each battle and once you clear a chapter, its Elite Mode will be unlocked, offering a more challenging version of the stages you have completed and leaving you a chance to earn different enforcer shards.

For the best results, plan well ahead of time with regard to which enforcers you want to unlock or upgrade first. There are limited number of attempts daily per stage so you may want to consider prioritizing as far as farming for specific enforcer shards are concerned.

7. Accomplish As Many Tasks As You Can

Following the story quest, along with the continuous production and development of your turf and the regular ventures outside of it can be a grueling routine. Still, though, waiting times leave a lot of extra time for you to engage in a variety of other activities to engage in to further boost your rise to power. This is where the task feature of The Grand Mafia comes in. While some of these tasks relate to your overall progression across various aspects of the game, some are additional routine feats you can take on side by side with the others.

Family Tasks and Faction Tasks work the same and all you need to do for each list is to start the quest and wait for it to complete to pursue another one. Keep in mind that both lists refresh once every 6 hours, which means that you can complete several sets of each type within the day for more rewards. Note that there will be a progress monitor for both on the production monitoring queues you have at the upper left side of the main screen, along with progression on building construction and upgrades, associate trainings, investments, and rallies.

Daily Tasks are mostly made up of small objectives that are easily accomplishable and relate to the usual activities you engage in on a daily basis. Unlike in most other games, though, The Grand Mafia offers a very long list of daily tasks to accomplish with some even unlocking similar, yet more challenging to complete, feats once the current ones are satisfied.

For the best results, you should make it aa habit to look into the list of accomplishable objectives as you may overlook certain activities that are otherwise easy to complete. Be sure to let it serve as a guide for you as you try to finish each task. Note that on top of the rewards you can earn from completing each task on the list, more can be claimed via the gift boxes on the top of the page based on your overall activities.

The Turf Tasks are the counterparts of achievements in most other games and essentially reflect milestones reached across all aspects of the game. Compared to daily tasks, some of these tasks may take a while to complete but the one-time rewards you can obtain from each accomplishment will tremendously help your cause. As such, you should also browse through each accomplishable feat and try to focus on the ones nearing completion.

8. Take Advantage Of Time-Limited Events

There are plenty of rewards you can earn from practically every action you perform in The Grand Mafia. Other quests and accomplishments also earn you tons of extra rewards but beyond all that, more can still be earned through the in-game events. The Grand Mafia holds various events consecutively, which you can access via the shifting icons at the upper right side of the screen. While some events may be designed for paying players, free players can actually benefit from a lot of these events.

From simple login rewards to bonuses that can be obtained following your progression, the time-limited events offer rewards that are typically even better than the usual ones you obtain from quests. In essence, the rate of progression you need to align with considering events are typically more challenging than the usual objectives.

However, given the limited period within which you must accomplish those certainly make the hard work worth the rewards to claim. Be sure to check each of the event icons regardless of whether there are indicators on it or not. There are surely objectives you can accomplish within the period of time provided.

9. Always Check Your Mail And Inventory

With the various resources and items to gain from activities you engage in, as well as the rewards to claim from tasks and events, the task of checking on your growing supplies can often be overwhelming. As most actions are also logged on your mail, it can happen that your unread mail will reach proportions that make it hard to check on each and every one of them.

For the in-game mail, which you can access via the mail icon at the lower right side of the screen, pay close attention to the “events” section. These messages almost always contain rewards you have earned from the completion of certain feats laid out in the event objectives. As you open each one, be sure to click on the “claim” button at the end of the message.

Not all rewards directly convert into readily-usable resources or items as well as some come in packages or chests that you need to unlock first to obtain the actual rewards. The crates tab of your inventory will typically be filled with crates of varying rarity. These crates contains gears that you can equip on your enforcers so opening all of them up is best done sooner than later.

On the other hand, resources are best left in your inventory if you do not need extra amounts of the specific resource. Keep in mind that in base-building strategy games, there is a limit to the amount of resources you can protect from plunders and the same is based on the capacity of your storage. Given this scenario, it is best to keep resource amounts in line with how much resources you can keep safe from potential enemies and only consume the ones in your inventory for immediate needs.

10. Prepare Well Before Launching An Attack

The growth and development of your turf and the continuous process of amassing influence and growing your mob all boils down to demonstrating the magnitude of your influence on everyone else’s turf. While The Grand Mafia’s PvP-centric gameplay makes it reasonable enough for any player to jump in on the action at the soonest possible time, doing so still requires a bit more planning and preparation for what comes after doing so. It has become a standard step for most base-building strategy games to prepare well before launching any attack against another player but for total beginners new to the genre, laying out the pre-conflict basics is a must.

To start off, your initial protection program is a very important perk that you should fully take advantage of. You get free protection from player attacks for the first 3 full days of playing provided that you do not attack or even scout any other players.

Likewise, this benefit will assume that you are ready to mingle with your neighbors once you start to upgrade your mansion to level 9. If you happen to lose your peace shield and decide that you still need more time to prepare for an attack, then you should have some combat resources that can replenish your shields for a few more hours.

It is a common notion for beginners that a turf’s level is the sole basis of its influence of power. Seeing a seemingly defenseless neighboring turf that has a lower turf level than yours may instinctively prompt you to drop down your shields and go for an offensive. While you have a good chance of winning against such odds, there is still a chance of losing. It can happen that a turf has lower level than yours but possesses a much larger mob of associates or even more developed enforcers.

As such, it is wise to always scout ahead of an attack. Note as well that merely scouting will drop your immunity cowl as well so scouting per se is almost synonymous to actually launching an attack.

Another point to consider before launching an attack is the faction that your target may be a member of. Factions are supposedly designed to work as a single functioning unit for most cases, which means that if you choose to attack a member, you basically decided to declare war on the whole faction.

For starters, therefore, potential targets must be narrowed down to player turfs that do not belong to a faction. Otherwise, you may want to communicate first with your faction as a unified offensive against any turf or faction leaves you with a better chance of success.

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Relative to factions, it is possible that you landed in one that is not as heavily active as you hoped it would be. Before you decide to wage war on any turf, be sure that you already belong to a faction that suits your preference and play style and likewise can provide ample support to your on both offensive and defensive standpoints. Should you choose to shift to another group, be sure you can relocate close to where your new allies are as well.

Last but not the least, you should protect your resources and choose to lodge enforcers and associates within your safe house. Again, your storage can only protect a limited amount of resources based on its level. Before you launch an attack, always assume the worst and that you will be attacked as well sooner or later. As a preparatory precaution, keep your supplies within what can be protected by your storage from plundering.

And that sums up all the tips and strategies we have for you regarding The Grand Mafia. We certainly hope you learned some valuable tactics from the topics we discussed and that you reveled in reading it as well. In case you chanced upon some neat tips, tricks, or strategies of your own, we would love to hear about them so do not hesitate to share them with us below!

by Updated : Oct 17, 2019 in Hacked Games

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Customer Service - Secretary (The Secretary Is Always At Your Side!)
▲Compete to become the Godfather in an awesome strategy game that requires wit and time management!
▲Steal from Banks, form alliances with other players, and fight together to take over the City and the Mafia World!
▲Date Cute Babes who cheer you on daily and heroic Crew Members who support you with undying loyalty!
▲It’s a real-time interactive Turf War with daily skirmishes throughout the year!
▲Collect Luxury Cars to impress both enemies and friends! Race cars in the street as you take down police cars trying to prevent your latest heist!
● A screen that is both 3D & HD where you can zoom-in to manage mafia city redeem code your own Mafia Turf with its awesome graphics. It’s a virtual reality you CAN’T miss out on!
● A Real-Time Strategy game that requires you to make alliances with other players and constantly improve yourself to take on stronger foes!
● Magnificent Technology Trees that you’ll need to manage well in order to acquire the strongest Crew Members. There are guns, armored vehicles, bikers, knives, and men who are willing to fight with their bare fists!
● Extensive Maps that are loaded with different enemies and special buildings that are updated weekly. You’ll need to explore everyday in order to become to Godfather!
● download mafia city mod apk Weekly events that celebrate every culture & push players to think on their feet constantly!
● Customize your Crew Leader so that he or she becomes the most feared Boss!
▲ BULKERS: Human Weapons that can defend your other men and devour your foes!
▲ SHOOTERS: Gallant Gunners who have the ability to wield all sorts of long-ranged weapons!
▲BIKERS: Get on your Bikes & Ride to the tune of lightning fast speeds and ruthless robberies as the streets these Crew Members zoom through are left in flames!
▲ MODIFIED VEHICLES: Vehicles that mafia city gold hack have been altered to terrorize the alleyways and transport stolen goods!
▲Subscription Benefits:
1. Validity: 7 Days
2. Within the valid days after subscribing, Collect (Daily): 1.5M Cargo*1, 100 Gold*3, 20K Leader EXP*1, 50 Energy*1, and 1 Elite Seed Box.
3. Cargo, Cash, and Arms Gathering Speed Boosts can be obtained within the valid days after subscribing.
4. Fees will automatically be charged after the last Valid Day. Canceling of a subscription can only be done manually
5. Your iTunes account will incur a fee upon confirming your subscription.
6. The subscription will be continued unless the auto-subscription option Mafia City cheats for Gold is closed 24 hours before the current subscription ends.
7. Within 24 hours prior to the end of a subscription, your account will receive information concerning the purchase and the next subscription's price.
8. After subscribing, you can close your subscription service in your account's settings.
9. The subscription feature cannot be tried for free.
Terms of Service:
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Mafia City Studio
Official Customer Service Email: [email protected]
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Customer Service - Secretary (The Secretary Is Always At Your Side!)

All ways to hack Mafia City

Further we will consider the most popular hacking methods.

1. Use the Mod

Mafia City Mod Apk - is a modified installation file of original game, whicc can give you free Dollars, Gold and Silver, and more else.

Download Mafia City 1.3.706 Mod


【New Content】
1. Brand new Vigilante: Aniko——She doesn't turn heads she breaks necks!
2. Clan Conference Hall: added the new [Clan Present] feature. Initiate Meetings to work together and win awesome rewards!
【New Feature】
1. Godfather’s Monument: added the new [World Domination] Achievement that provides 25 Crew Attack after being unlocked.
2. Decoration System:
(1) Added the new [Cthulhu's Castle] Turf Decoration.
(2) Added the new [Cantre'r Gwaelod] and [Galactic Portal] Turf Effects
3. Growth Fund:
(1) Added the new [Vigilante Growth Fund 3] that includes both Vigilante [Stuart] and [Reo Sakurai] along with other types of items as reward. This Growth Fund will only be unlocked after the first 2 version have been purchased.
(2) Added the new [Dominant Set Growth Fund]. Collect the Dominant Set related items for 30 days to help you take the lead!
4. Added some new sound and special effects.
【Optimization & Adjustment】
1. Optimized and updated certain interfaces. Adjusted and modified certain descriptions.
2. Optimized Nightscape: the transition between day and night is more natural.
3. Optimized the Church: Cities without the Migration event will be displayed in the correct state.
4. Optimized the Clan’s main interface: added the entrance to the Clan Conference Hall.
5. Optimized the Emblem: added a new Emblem returning notice for enhancing and/or synthesizing Equipment.
【Fixed Content】
1. The abnormal display issue with the Clan badge at the Clan’s main interface has been fixed.
2. The issue where the default Vigilante is not selected when editing the Tournament formation has been fixed.
3. The issue with the Clan Conference Hall’s status displayed on the Clan Territory has been fixed.
4. The abnormal display issue that occur after the Scrap Collector has taken the last good has been fixed.

Download Mafia City 1.3.665 Mod


【New Content】
1. A New Vigilante: Melanie - She’s a wild chick, but she is your loyal wild chick! You can get her via the 「Hell Event」.
2. Family Emblems: The newly added 「Select Emblem」feature will let you choose an Emblem more quickly when you are engraving.
3. Equipment: The newly added 「Combine Ops Star-Up」feature!
【New Feature】
1. Decoration System: Added a new Turf Effect [Ball of Lightning].
2. Godfather’s Monument: Added a new Turf Effect Achievement [Major Choices].
3. Added new sound and special effect.
【Optimization & Adjustments】
1. Partial interface optimization and updates as well as some description modifications and retouching.
2. Healing Center: There will now be a reminder that will notify you when your Healing Center is nearing max Capacity.
3. Battle Report: Press and hold the Vigilante Icon to view a short description of the Vigilante’s Skills.
4. Queue Reminders: You’ll receive a reminder when you are not Training Crew Members or Investing in Properties.
5. SVIP Store: You may now buy Items and there will also be an indicator to notify you of unlocking a new SVIP Store level.
6. Pawnbroker: You will be asked twice to confirm whether you want to Exchange for or Synthesize Equipment.
【Fixed Content】
1. Fixed the issue where the Insufficient Level notice is displayed when Upgrading Vigilante Equipment.
2. Fixed the issue with the incorrect notice displayed when players want to exit the Conqueror’s Path map.
3. Fixed the issue with the incorrect Training Amount and Training Time displayed after you’ve engraved the corresponding Emblem.

Download Mafia City 1.3.636 Mod


【New Content】
1. Hitman Services: Newly Added [Advanced Combat] & [Equipment]
2. Plantation: The Plantation can now be upgraded to Lv. 9.
3. Clan Healing Center: Players can now ask Clan Members for Help when they have the Wounded Crew in the Clan Healing Center.
4. Newly Added Sounds & Special Effects
【Optimization & Adjustments】
1. Partial interface optimization and updates. Some descriptions have been modified and retouched.
2. Optimized Family Treasure Event: A notice will be sent to the participants 5 minute before the applied Stage starts.
3. Optimized Vigilante List: The list can now display Vigilantes in accordance to their type.
4. Optimized Clan Chat: A bubble reminder has been added and will appear when you have not check the Clan Chat for quite some time!
5. Optimized Babe’s Star-Up Skills: Maxed-Out Star Skills will be marked differently from the others.
【Fixed Content】
1. Fixed the issue where there is no notice when players continuously re-enters the Conqueror’s Path event.
2. Fixed the issue where other players of the City can’t be found through search when appointing a new Governor Official.
3. Fixed the issue where players can’t be directed to the Vigilante Growth Fund when they clicked on the ‘Obtain Means’ for Vigilante [Sebastian].
4. Fixed the issue with the abnormal notice when enter the Healing Center that is currently busy healing, through the Heal Wounded entrance on the City Map.

Download Mafia City 1.3.598 Mod


【New Content】
1.Hitman System:
(1)Contract Agency: A place where the various Hitmen are gathered. Hitman Coins and Resources can be spent to hire Hitman for their professional assassin services (Unlocked at Lv. 23 Mansion)
(2)Hitman Hotel: A place where the Hitman Coin can be earned. Tons of Hitman Coins can be obtained by sheltering and providing Hitman with daily services (Unlocked at Lv. 23 Mansion)
2.Babe System: Ace Racer [Lena]——The Underworld’ Queen of The Race
3.New Vigilante: Crime Lord [Vlad]——Kingpin of the North
4.Monument of Glory:
(1)New Achievement [Eternal Love-Name Tag], [Eternal Love-Avatar Frame], and [Eternal Love-Chat Bubble]
(2)New Achievement [Devil’s Return-Turf Effect]
【New Feature】
1.Story Plot: added Chapter 19 & 20
2.Sticker: Added new Sticker [Jennifer]3
3.Individual Event: Added new objective [Hire Hitman]
4.Added certain new Sound & Special Effects
【Optimizations & Adjustments】
1.Optimized & Updated Interface. Adjusted & Modified certain description
2.Optimized Open Recruitment: The highest Power Standard has been changed to 5M
3.Optimized Item Redeem: Items with Permanent duration will be listed at the very top
4.Optimized Attribute Display: Can now view the Roadster’s Alter Attribute & Collection’s Attribute at the Leader’s Info interface
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormal display issue resulted from being directed to the First Aid Center via the Healing Center

Download Mafia City 1.3.575 Mod


【New Content】
(1)Plantation Guard Dog: New [Spot] & [Black Lightning].The Plantation’s Defense can be enhanced when the Guard Dog is on watch.
(2)Plantation Store: [Spot] & [Black Lightning] can be purchased when you’ve reached the corresponding levels.
(1)Newly Added Turf Effects: [Butterfly Aurora] & [Easter Lining].
(2)Newly added Easter Rabbit & Easter Egg Exclusive Decoration, Obtained via the [Easter Festival] event.
【New Content】
1.Clan Badge:Newly added [Easter Badge], Obtained via the [Easter Festival] event.
2.SVIP Store: Can be unlocked at Lv.12
3.Newly added sounds and special effects.
【Optimizations & Adjustments】
1.Partial interface Optimization & Updated. Descriptions have been adjusted and updated.
2.Babe’s Dress Up: When a Babe is locked, players won’t be able to redeem the corresponding Dress-Up items.
3.[Battle Carnival] Optimization: After the event has started, the [Sliver Ingots] obtained from defeating the [White Shark] will be doubled
4.Adjustment: The Vigilante equipment [Street King] can’t be dismantled.
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the display issue with the Turf’s Buff interface.
2.Repaired the issue with the unlimited character can be entered when re-naming the Guard Dog.
3.Repaired the issue where there is no response when clicking on the other cities’ coordinates in private messages.
4.Repaired the abnormal display issue with the Terrorizer Set
5.Repaired the abnormal display issue with the number in the input box when retrieving more than 1M resource from the Clan Vault.

Download Mafia City 1.3.562 Mod


【New Content】
(1)Plantation Store’s maximum level increased to Lv. 8
(2)Included new [Guard Dog], can guard your Plantation form leaders trying to steal your flower
2.Decoration: Included New [Furious Sandstorm] Turf Effect
3.Monument of Glory: Included new Turf Effect Achievement [Crimson Night], increases Bulker & Shooter Defense by 2% upon unlock
【New Feature】
1.Event Center: Included new [Event Calendar] which display’s the event status in the form of timeline
2.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust】
1.Decoration Redeem Optimization: Special indicator will appear on permanent decoration when using item to redeem decorations
2.Babe’s Game Optimization: Included a reminder when playing Babe’s Game with insufficient Roses
3.Storehouse Optimization: Included a notice when searching for Storehouse when the Storehouse event is not opened
4.Clash of Mafia Optimization: Alert indicator will appear on the corresponding Ops Queue at the upper left corner when they are attacked
5.City Map Optimization: Optimized the hierarchy between Turf, Building and Street force in City Map
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the display issue with sending short chat message when using the [Governor Honor Chat Bubble]
2.Repaired the issue where City does not display flag in Global Map
3.Repaired the abnormal display issue resulted from redeem Clan Attribute during Governor of Mafia

Download Mafia City 1.3.550 Mod



【New Content】
1.Monument of Glory:
(1)Included New Turf Achievement: [Grand Tycoon]; increases Biker Attack & Defence by 3% upon unlock
(2)Included New Ops Achievement: [Legendary Overlord]; increases Bulker Attack & Defence by 2% upon unlock
2.Governor of Mafia:
(1)Included New Honor Point; Point can be obtained for each Crew Lost, obtained Point can be used to redeem items and Governor of Mafia exclusive decorations
(2)Included certain new Governor’s Statue; can display exclusive Statue at respective State after becoming Governor
3.Turf Effect: Included New [Lair of Fierce Lion] & [Lair of Battle Bear]
4.Godfather’s Collection: Included New [Lv. 42 Godfather’s Watch]
【New Feature】
1.Overview: Included New Display Setting; displays a red indicator when there are idle Queue(s)
2.Include New [Light Up!] Interaction, displays Interaction Effect over the Turf upon usage—Obtained through [Mafia Handbook] event
【Optimize & Adjust】
1.Optimized & Updated certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Daily Contract Optimization: Super Bonus entrance at the main interface can be used to be directed to the Daily Contract interface, when there are rewards that can be collected
3.Clan Territory Optimization: Will notify Clan’s R5 & R4s to upgrade Defence Tower when there is enough Clan Gasoline via mail
4.Vigilante List Optimization: The Label “Hot” will appear when the event for the often used Vigilante is on; can be directly directed to event interface by clicking the label
5.Clan Collaboration Task Optimization: An indicator will be displayed at the Clan’s interface when there are Task that can be collected or is completed
6.Invest Center Optimization: The effect of Equipment Property’s [Black Market Check Trading] will take effect immediately after invest is completed
7.Truce Optimization: When Truce expire, reason for Truce Expired will be sent via mail
8.Adjust: Adjusted certain Day’s Reward in the Greeting Gift
9.Adjust: Reduced Clan Contest’s League level from Lv. 11 to Lv. 9
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormal display issue with the “New” Tag in Vigilante List
2.Repaired the issue where Starring the default Turf Decoration will display the notice of this Decoration having duration
3.Repaired the issue where the Mansion Star Level Setting does not take effect immediately in the Cross-Server event

Download Mafia City 1.3.506 Mod


【New Content】
1.Vigilante System:
Business Tycoon [Marwan]——Money is Power! The Era of Tycoons, fates are in my grasp!
2. Monument of Glory: Included new Name Tag, Avatar Frame & Chat Bubble achievement——[Grand Celebration]
【New Feature】
1.Godfather’s Quote: Included new Lessons on [Vigilante], [Plantation] & [Governor of Mafia]
2.Clan Property: Included new Lv. 5 Property—[Defence Weapon Enhancement], [Raid Order] & [Raid Joiner]
3.Plantation: Included New Green quality Flowers into Plantation Management; unlocked after obtaining any Green quality Flower
4.Included New Spring festival Loud Speaker
5.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Optimized Vigilante’s Equipment Display: Long press equipped Vigilante Equipment to view Equipment’s Attribute details
3.Optimized Exclusive Privilege: Can renew the Exclusive Privilege 5 days before it expires
4.Optimized Reinforcement: Mail notice will be sent when Reinforcement are recalled
5.Optimized Leader’s Equipment Display: Equipped Leader Equipment will display additionally gained Attributes; long press to view where they come from
6.Tournament Optimization: Can pre-set to included Vigilante when challenging in Tournament
7.Optimized Gem’s Means of Obtain: Can now directly synthesis Gem Coupons on the Obtain Means’ interface
8.Adjust: Adjusted certain equipment’s Attributes
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where the previously garrisoned Vigilante will not be Garrisoned from returning to Turf after the Ops Strengthening Property is unlocked
2.Repaired the abnormal notice after Reinforcing occupied Polling Station

Download Mafia City 1.3.392 Mod


【New Content】
1.New Vigilante: Mad Scientist [Albert]——Everything Has A Price; Science Just Costs More!
2.Plantation: Plantation Store’s max Level increased to Lv. 7; Unlock even more goods and Exclusive Attribute
【New Feature】
1.Included Certain New Flag: [Guatemala], [Moldova]
2.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Optimized Turf Effect: Optimized display & preview effect of certain Turf Effect
3.Optimized Chat: A Cross-Server indicator will be included on the Main interface’s Chat indicators while under Cross-Server condition
4.Optimized Message Notification: R4 & R5 can optimize whether to receive notice of Clan Member under attack at the [Clan Battle]
5.Optimized Radar: Alert Sound is also be included in Radar when you are under attack; can turn on or off sound effect at the Sound Setting
6.Equipment Sorting Optimization: Within the Safe, Equipment will be display in accordance to Locked Status, Equipment Part, Equipped Status, Level, Quality and etc
7.Adjust: the [Latest News] will be displayed at the Event Center after Mansion reaches Lv. 7
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where Vigilante [Charles]’s first Star skill does not take effect when attacking Mansion
2.Repaired the abnormal display issue with certain Governor Official Position at Leader interface
3.Repaired the issue where the attributes of Clan Property’s [Advance Raid] is not displayed at the Clan Hall Info

Download Mafia City 1.3.391 Mod


【New Content】
1.New Vigilante: Mad Scientist [Albert]——Everything Has A Price; Science Just Costs More!
2.Plantation: Plantation Store’s max Level increased to Lv. 7; Unlock even more goods and Exclusive Attribute
【New Feature】
1.Included Certain New Flag: [Guatemala], [Moldova]
2.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Optimized Turf Effect: Optimized display & preview effect of certain Turf Effect
3.Optimized Chat: A Cross-Server indicator will be included on the Main interface’s Chat indicators while under Cross-Server condition
4.Optimized Message Notification: R4 & R5 can optimize whether to receive notice of Clan Member under attack at the [Clan Battle]
5.Optimized Radar: Alert Sound is also be included in Radar when you are under attack; can turn on or off sound effect at the Sound Setting
6.Equipment Sorting Optimization: Within the Safe, Equipment will be display in accordance to Locked Status, Equipment Part, Equipped Status, Level, Quality and etc
7.Adjust: the [Latest News] will be displayed at the Event Center after Mansion reaches Lv. 7
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where Vigilante [Charles]’s first Star skill does not take effect when attacking Mansion
2.Repaired the abnormal display issue with certain Governor Official Position at Leader interface
3.Repaired the issue where the attributes of Clan Property’s [Advance Raid] is not displayed at the Clan Hall Info

Download Mafia City 1.3.381 Mod


【New Content】
1.Decoration System: Included New 「Turf Effect」, providing your Mansion with even more special visual effects
2.Babe System: Christmas Elf 「Ginger」——Popular Throughout Campus; Youth Is My Asset!
3.Vigilante System:
(1)Garrison & Lead Up can assign up to 2 Vigilante (Must Invest Related Property To unlock)
(2)Shrine Maiden 「Kiko」——Messenger of the Celestial & Mortal Plain & Purifier of the Damned!
4. Japanese Styled Celebration: Cute Lucky Cat & Tumbler will be aired! Turf’s Scenery will be changed to Japanese Styled Decoration.
【New Feature】
1.Invest Center: Included New Property——「Vigilante」
2.Loud Speaker Decoration: Included New 「2019 Celebration Loud Speaker」
3.Super Bonus: Included New 「Christmas Wonderland Monthly Card」
4.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Mail Classification Optimization:
(1)Underground Tournament & Team Tournament Battle Report will no longer be sent to Mail; after update, these Battle Reports can be viewed at the corresponding Report Entrance at their respective event interface
(2)A Bubble notice will appear above the Monastery when there are unread Tournament Reports
3.Optimized Team Tournament: Can Edit Recruitment Slogan when creating Team
4.Sound Setting Optimization: Can now control the volume of sound effect for using active skills
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where the virtual Keyboard does not close when directed to the Decoration interface through Chat
2.Repaired the issue where the Clan will be under the status of no Clan Leader after the Leadership has been transferred multiple times
3.Repaired the abnormal Description with the Active Skill 「Ravage」 when there is not enough Energy

Download Mafia City 1.3.373 Mod


【New Content】
1.Clan Territory: Included New Clan Defence Tower, can slow the movement of opposition Ops within its range
2.Roadster Club: Included Alter Feature to Rare Roadster
3.Vigilante System:
(1)Christmas Rogue 「Nick」——None Can Escape The Naughty List; Punishment Will Be Dealt!
(2)Arms Dealer 「Charles」——If You Are Not Armed To The Teeth, Then You Ain’t Armed At All
【New Feature】
1.Vigilante Set: Included Equip Whole Set function, can equip loose Set Equipment through the Equip Whole Set button
2.Overview Panel: Included New Plantation Section, can manage Field Status at Overview Panel
3.Whole New Emoticon: Santa Claus; can be on trial(for 3 days) when your Charmer value in the 3v3 Popularity Contest reaches 1000
4.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Clan Reinforce Optimization: Mail notice will be sent to you after Clan Member’s Reinforcement have arrived
3.Friend Invite Optimization:
(1)Included Copy, Paste Feature for Invitation Code
(2)After imputing the Invitation Code a reconfirmation notice will appear asking you to confirm the Invitation Code
4.Storehouse Optimization: Bubble notice has been included on the Chopper Apron when Hidden Note’s search is completed
5.Clash of Mafia Optimization: Result Mail will indicate whether you won or lost the match
6.Turf Star Up Optimization: When Staring Up Non-Permanent Turf Decoration will be provide with notice stating that effect will not be active when expired
7.Energy Item Purchase Optimization: Max amount of Energy item that can be purchased once of is adjusted to 10
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where certain Attribute does not take effect during Underground Tournament
2.Repaired the display abnormity issue with certain Flower’s ICON in Plantation
3.Repaired the issue where Reinforce Raid cannot be initiated for Members busy demolishing opposition’s Clan Territory

Download Mafia City 1.3.359 Mod


【New Feature】
1.Sound Setting: Can now control whether to play the sound of Seagull & Wave
2.Included certain new Sound & Special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated certain interface: Adjusted certain descriptions
2.Optimized Event Center: Popular Event will be displayed at the top of the Event List
3.Optimized Leader Info: [Elite Building] section will only be displayed when Mansion reached Lv. 30
4.Optimized Battle Report: Report will now display Attacking & Defending Turf’s Attributes
5.Optimized Governor of Mafia: Can directly click Territory or Map to view corresponding Territory
6.Optimized Chat: A notice will be sent when frequently sending Chat Message
7.Optimized Pawnbroker: Equipment’s Quality Probability after Completion will be displayed after Equipment Exchange
8.Adjust: Adjusted the Redeem Point of certain item in Plantation Store
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormal display issue after demolishing an Elite Building
2.Repaired the issue where the City Royal’s Winning Streak is not discontinued when there is zero crew in Turf
3.Repaired the abnormal display issue with certain Flag in City Map
4.Repaired the abnormal status issue with certain Vigilante after selecting Vigilante to lead Ops

Download Mafia City 1.3.329 Mod


【New Content】
1.Roadster Club: Included New [Rare Roadster]
2.Monument of Glory: Included New [Avatar Frame] & [Chat Bubble] Achievement
3.Leader Info: Included New [Elite Building] Section; can view the various Attribute provided by Elite Building
4.Included Certain New Sound & Special Effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated Certain Interface; Adjusted Certain Description
2.Clan Hospital Optimization:
(1)Adjusted the Clan Hospital’s Demolish Authority to Clan Leader only
(2)Mail notification will be provided whenever Wounded in Clan Hospital is to be heal or healing has completed
(3)Notice will be proved when quitting Clan while there are still wounded in Clan Hospital
3.Favorite Mail Optimization: Can now change the status of Favorite Mails in batches
4.Building Construction Optimization: Select the previously constructed building by default when entering the Building menu
5.Official Skill Optimization: Displays the Truce Order Effect’s Remaining Time to player that received the Truce Order
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormality issue displayed when players from undivided Cities enter the Governor of Mafia interface
2.Repaired the abnormal issue with the calculation of daily attacked street force
3.Repaired the issue where the Clan Bounty does not refresh after the countdown has reached zero
4.Repaired the issue where the ask to join raid notice repeatedly pops-up
5.Repaired the issue where raid can still be initiated and joined after being issued the Official Skill [Truce Order]

Download Mafia City 1.3.309 Mod


【New Content】
1.New Babe: Mysterious Girl, Master of Assassin—Stephanie has left the Assassin’s Organization and joined Mafia City, increases all crew’s attribute
2.New Vigilante: There’ll only be Tricks if I don’t get Candies! Hallows Eve Alert—Beware the Naughty Witch Wendy!
【New Feature】
1.Monument of Glory: New Crime Ops Achievement
2.Included New Background Music: Halloween Phantom
3.Included certain sound and special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated certain interface; Adjusted certain descriptions
2.Optimized VIP Expiring Reminder: Can choose not to display reminded when VIP is expired
3.Optimized Bookmark:
(1)Will also list the time at which the cord was added to Bookmark
(2)Can at most Add 300 Cords
4.Optimized Clan Hospital:
(1)Second Confirmation has been included when dismissing wounded
(2)Greatly reduced the amount of Clan Honor needed to heal wounded
5.Ops Display Optimization: Different identifier will be displayed when Ops are heading to different directions
6.Vigilante Selection Optimization: Vigilante with Gather buff will be selected as default leading vigilante when attempting Gather on the city map
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where there is no notice when send crew to hide in Secret Base while there are no free Ops Queue available
2.Repaired the issue where the [Wings of Goddess] Decoration does not display in the Items
3.Repaired the issue where Cross-server notice can still be received even after closing the notice option
4.Repaired the abnormal display issue with the equipment synthesizing state in the Equipped Equipment interface
5.Repaired the issue where there is no response when dismiss crew that are not in Turf

Download Mafia City 1.3.298 Mod


【New Content】
1.Clan Hospital:
(1) Accommodate Wounded: Can accommodate a portion of the exceeding Wounded when Hospitals are full
(2) Heal Wounds: Consume Clan Honor to Heal Wounds
2.Buff Set: Various Buff item can be activated at the same from the Mansion’s Buff interface with the Activate Buff Set button
3. Lock Equipment: Locked Equipment, cannot be dismantled or synthesized, prevents accident
4. Vigilante System: “Foxy” Urban Legend——Tracy has arrived! Balanced Attribute, Greatly Reduce Investing Time
【New Feature】
1.Loud Speaker Decoration: Can choose a Loud Speaker Decoration when make announcement in City Chat
2.Notification: Differentiate the sound effect of reinforce and attack
3.Included certain new sound & special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated certain interface, modified certain description
2.Elite Skill Display Optimization: Display Elite Skill level on the Battle Report & Crime Ops Interface
3.VIP Optimization: Pop-up notice will appear when VIP expires
4.Chat Experience Optimization: Content typed in the chatting Box can be all-selected and operated accordingly
5.Optimize Attribute Displayed on Battle Report: Attribute relevant to Clash of Mafia will be displayed on battle report when in Clash of Mafia
6.Resource Board Optimization: Display Attribute from Vigilant Equipment
7.Vigilante Star Up Optimization: Gold can be used to Speedup process of Vigilante’s Star Up
8.Equipment Display Optimization: Hold the equipment ICON on the Leader interface will display said Equipment’s Attribute and/or Set Attribute
9.Super Raid Optimization: Cancelling Super Raid will return the item used to initiate Super Raid via mail
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where the Upgrade Icon is not displayed when Radar can be upgraded
2.Repaired the issue where Equipment equipped on Vigilante that is leading ops can be removed at the Pawnbroker
3.Repaired abnormal display issue at the Godfather’s Collection interface where there are too many Attributes
4.Repaired the issue where cross-server notification can still be received after closing the cross-server feature
5.Repaired the issue where the Skin Star Up Coupon’s usage bar cannot be dragged to max

Download Mafia City 1.3.288 Mod


Is using a game grip cheating in pubg. 【New Feature】
1.Achievement: Included New Achievement [Legendary Clan] & [Elite Skill]
2.Sound Setting: Can now adjust the volume of background music and sound effect in game
3.Yacht Product Update Reminder: Notifies you when the Yacht has new product
4.Included certain sound and special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1.Optizied & updated certain interface; adjusted certain descriptions
2.Fund Management Optimization: Bubble Notification will be displayed above Fountain when Fund can be invested or collected
3.Elite Building Optimization: Displays the Attribute that can be gained after upgrading while building is still being upgraded
4.Lottery Wheel Optimization: When drawing the [Speeds up Crime Ops Speed Against Street Force(1hr)] or the[Increase Single Crew Training Capacity(1hr)], the item will be directly added to the Item inventory
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormal attack pop-up box for the Mercenary [Venom]
2.Repaired the issue where translation are not displayed on the View Detail interface of the First Aid Center
3.Repaired the issue where the @ feature can be used at Cross-Server Chat
4.Repaired the issue where the Statement Coupon cannot be used when you don’t have enough Gold
5.Repaired the issue where Gold cannot be used to Speedup Vigilante starring up when there is insufficient Speedup item

Download Mafia City 1.3.270 Mod


【New Content】
1.Godfather’s building:
(1)Boss has found blueprints left by former godfather. You can upgrade your lv30 mansion with the blueprints obtained from Daily Contract Chest or packs now.
(2)You can get 10 godfather blueprints from Daily Contract Chest after you reached lv30 mansion(You need to update game on Sep the 13th or you may lose the blueprints obtained on that day only)
2.Super Raid: Mafia bosses are always chasing stronger assaulting power. You may consume certain item to set a super raid that can turn basic attributes of all troops in raid to your basic attributes after you reached SVIP10.
3.Financial Fund: New business tycoon has arrived in mafia city; you can purchase funds with gold bars and get interests after a certain time.
【New Feature】
1.SVIP store: Newly added lv10 SVIP store
2.Added part of the sound and special effects
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface; modified and improved certain description
2. Optimized Godfather’s collections; the nice random buffs from refreshing godfather’s collections can be shared in clan chat
3. Optimized Asking for Help feature; notification will be sent while asking for help on rss to clan members
4. Optimized Clan Store; the maximum amount of Item supplement will be 99
5. Optimized Rose Accessing methods; rose obtaining interface can skip into Accessing interface
6. Optimized Pawnbroker; accessing methods will showing below the gems you already owned while trading equipment
7. Optimized Mails; added close function on mail details interface to go back to Main interface
8. Optimized group chatting; can search players from other servers chatted earlier in private chat while inviting players to group chat
9. Optimized items; Rss production increase items can be stacked on rss buildings now.
10. Optimized Vigilante Garrison function; after sending vigilante on garrison out, it will back to garrison duty when it’s back.
11. Adjustment: Fan’s Activity entrance move into Regular Events interface in Event Center.
12. Adjustment on plot missions; adjusted missions on chapter 4 and chapter 6
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue that avatar frame not showing in group chat
2.Repaired the issue that help button not showing when investment finished
3.Repaired the issue that icon not showing in the pop-up window when speedup healing with gold bars

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【New Content】
1. Equipment System: Enhance Your Dominant Set! Become the unbeatable Warlord of Mafia City! [Warlord Set] can greatly enhance the battle ability of both biker and bulker
2. Scrap Collector: Item sold to the Scrap Collector can be Recovered by spending gold within 24 hours since the trade
【New Feature】
1. Governor of Mafia: Included more items that can be redeemed by Point
2. SVIP Store: Included Lv. 9 SVIP Store
3. Included certain sound and special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface; modified and improved certain description
2. Optimized Equipment Blueprint: Usage of blueprint at the Item inventory will be directed to the corresponding Equipment
3. Wounded Healing Optimization: Reminder will appear when using Gold to Instantly Heal a massive amount of wounded
4. Vigilante Set Optimization: Details of Vigilante Set can be viewed when Mansion reaches Lv. 15
5. Raid Optimization: A marker will be added on the Map as reminder when you or your clan member start a Raid
6. Babe Attribute Optimization: More Attributes will be displayed at the Leader info interface, under Babe section
7. Crew Amount Optimization: Only the amount of crews defending your Turf will be displayed at the Camp’s Training interface
8. Clan Position Optimization: Can view corresponding Position’s privilege
9. VIP Privilege Optimization: Include description for Advance Babe Gaming available at VIP 8
10. Optimized Clan Badge: Display the name and means of obtain for the corresponding Badge
11.Pawnbroker Optimization: The speedup usage interface will appear when exchanging equipment while another equipment is being exchanged
12. Item Redeem Optimization: If you already own a permanent decoration, then corresponding decoration cannot be redeemed
13. Optimized Event Center: Events in Event Center are grouped into Limited and Permanent Event
14. Adjustment: Adjusted certain Task in 7 Day Domination
15. Adjustment: Moved the [Clan Territory], [Clan Message] and [Clan Vote] feature into Management section
16. Adjustment: Adjusted certain rewards in the Lottery wheel
【Repair Content】
1. Repaired the abnormal display issue at the Clan Badge
2. Repaired the issue where the crew amount selected does not change when entering percentage at the crew selecting interface

Download Mafia City 1.3.257 Mod


【New Content】
1. Babe System: New Babe Agent Viola has arrived, greatly increasing your combat ability in Clash of Mafia and City Royal
2. Mercenary: A new group of Mercenary has arrived, bring with them loads of supply and materials of the newly released Vigilante Equipment
3. Vigilante Set: A new type of Vigilante Set has been released, rumors says that the New Mercenary owns the material needed to make the new vigilante set
4. Included new Emojis
【New Feature】
1. Clan Store: The “Raid Cancel” item is now available to be purchased
2. City Map: Include Decoration entrance on the Turf’s option list
3. City Hall: Include City Hall entrance
4. Cross-Server Event: Included Clash of Mafia and City Royal Chat
5. Included certain new sound & special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface; Adjusted certain description
2. Camp Optimization: Can view requirement of locked Crew while training crews
3. Optimized Medical Certification: Can now use Medical Certification item from the Item inventory
4. Optimized First Aid center: Can now view the amount of crew that need reviving at the event page
5. Vigilante Skill Optimization:
(1)relevant description has been included to skills that can be upgraded or displayed at garrison
(2)Notice will appear when enhancing Vigilante skill, while requirement are not met
(3)Equipment cannot be removed while vigilante is leading Crime Ops
(4)Notice will appear on the Vigilante Equipping interface when there are equipment that can be equipped
6.Adjusted: Removed the “Move Building” button from the detail interface of the Mansion and Radar
7.Official Display Optimization: Included send Pack and appoint to Position description to “Secretary” and “State Cabinet”
8. Optimize Turf Bubble: When bubble appear on the Mansion, directing of bubble to corresponding interface is only possible by clicking on the bubble
9. Spy Optimization: When spying NPC, a tag will be included on the City Map as reminder
10. Raid Optimization: At Clan Battle, a tag will be added to joined Raid as reminder
11. Optimized Clan Territory: Notice of Clan Building Completion will be sent via mail
12. Lucky Wheel Optimization: Clicking on the Chip or Advance Chip will direct you to the usage interface
【Repair Content】
1. Repaired the issue where the notice of insufficient leader level appearing when exchanging Vigilante Equipment
2. Repaired the issue with the abnormal topic on the Vigilante Set interface
3. Repaired the abnormal notice issue when directed to the Yacht

Download Mafia City 1.3.253 Mod


【New Content】
1. Babe System: New Babe Agent Viola has arrived, greatly increasing your combat ability in Clash of Mafia and City Royal
2. Mercenary: A new group of Mercenary has arrived, bring with them loads of supply and materials of the newly released Vigilante Equipment
3. Vigilante Set: A new type of Vigilante Set has been released, rumors says that the New Mercenary owns the material needed to make the new vigilante set
4. Included new Emojis
【New Feature】
1. Clan Store: The “Raid Cancel” item is now available to be purchased
2. City Map: Include Decoration entrance on the Turf’s option list
3. City Hall: Include City Hall entrance
4. Cross-Server Event: Included Clash of Mafia and City Royal Chat
5. Included certain new sound & special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface; Adjusted certain description
2. Camp Optimization: Can view requirement of locked Crew while training crews
3. Optimized Medical Certification: Can now use Medical Certification item from the Item inventory
4. Optimized First Aid center: Can now view the amount of crew that need reviving at the event page
5. Vigilante Skill Optimization:
(1)relevant description has been included to skills that can be upgraded or displayed at garrison
(2)Notice will appear when enhancing Vigilante skill, while requirement are not met
(3)Equipment cannot be removed while vigilante is leading Crime Ops
(4)Notice will appear on the Vigilante Equipping interface when there are equipment that can be equipped
6.Adjusted: Removed the “Move Building” button from the detail interface of the Mansion and Radar
7.Official Display Optimization: Included send Pack and appoint to Position description to “Secretary” and “State Cabinet”
8. Optimize Turf Bubble: When bubble appear on the Mansion, directing of bubble to corresponding interface is only possible by clicking on the bubble
9. Spy Optimization: When spying NPC, a tag will be included on the City Map as reminder
10. Raid Optimization: At Clan Battle, a tag will be added to joined Raid as reminder
11. Optimized Clan Territory: Notice of Clan Building Completion will be sent via mail
12. Lucky Wheel Optimization: Clicking on the Chip or Advance Chip will direct you to the usage interface
【Repair Content】
1. Repaired the issue where the notice of insufficient leader level appearing when exchanging Vigilante Equipment
2. Repaired the issue with the abnormal topic on the Vigilante Set interface
3. Repaired the abnormal notice issue when directed to the Yacht


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【New Feature】
1. New “Include Vigilante Into Ops Setting”: Crime Ops can exclude Vigilante by default
2. Mayor Election: New Secretary Appoint/Dismiss and Send Pack feature
3.Governor of Mafia: New State Cabinet Appoint/Dismiss and Send Pack feature
4. Included certain new sound & special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface
2. Optimized Governor of Mafia:
(1)When entering Governor of Mafia’s battle map, countdown to battlefield will be displayed
(2)When viewing Territory, City and City Hall can directed and viewed by clicking to the corresponding City
3. Optimized Chat: Title of Chat can now be distinguished to which Chat you are currently in
4. Optimized Leader Info: You can now display your Country’s Flag on your Leader Info page
5. Optimized Raiding of Hostile Force: Raid against Hostile Forces(NPC) on the Map can be joined instantly by clicking on the corresponding Hostile Force
6. Optimized Clan Collaboration Task: Pop-up notice will appear when refreshing Task List which contains Orange or Gold Quality Clan Collaboration Tasks
7. Optimized Occupying Mail: Occupying mail will now also display the coordinates of the occupy, that can be clicked to be directed to the coordinate on the map
8. Adjusted: Yacht will be unlocked and gift can be purchased once the Babe Favor has been maxed
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the abnormal attribute displayed on the Governor Set’s equipment exchange interface
2.Repaired the issue where other Clan Invitation cannot be viewed after an Apply to join was rejected
3.Repaired the abnormal effect hierarchy with collecting resource inside the Turf
4.Repaired the issue where 2 bubbles appear on the Clan Club at the same time

Download Mafia City 1.3.223 Mod


【New Content】
1. New Plot: Chapter 11 & 12
2. Vigilante System: Unsheathed Blade, Loaded Barrel—Whole New Female Vigilante Available in Mafia City, greatly increases Raid Capacity
【New Feature】
1. Now provides even better dominating sound effect while using Ops Decoration
2. Included New “Vigilante leading Crime Ops' Avatar Display Setting”: Can close the feature that places Vigilante as your Crime Ops Avatar Picture
3. Included certain sound & special effect
【Optimize & Adjust Content】
1. Optimized & Updated certain interface
2. Vigilante Garrison Optimization: When there are idle Vigilantes, a reminder for Garrisoning Vigilante to increase defence will appear on Wall
3. Clan Store Optimization: When Buy or Restocking a second confirmation notice will appear
4. Clan Store Restock Optimization: Send notification to the Marker of item that were restocked
5. Optimized Raid Notice: Included the tick option Do not remind into the pop-up box for unable to us recall item on Raid
6. Babe Star Up Display Optimization: Star Up Skill can be viewed when either babe’s Favor is maxed
7. Adjust: Gold required for posting Announcement Invitation is determined by the amount of Post, and is reset at City Time 00:00
8. Adjust: During City Royal & Clash of Mafia, notice will appear when default Vigilante was deselected and no Vigilante was sent on Crime Ops
9. Adjust: The number of City that will be matched for City Royal has been increased, you can now challenge even more players from various Cities
10. Adjust: Include new item “ Statement Coupon” into the Monthly Decoration Pack
【Repair Content】
1. Repaired the issue where not bounded account can view the inviter’s info
2. Repaired the issue where there is no background music when entering the Babe interface through the Bubble that appeared on the Mansion
3. Repaired the abnormal issue with the Clan Board viewing after closing the open recruit option
4. Repaired the abnormal display issue with the button after closing the Clan Collaboration Task’s Accepting pop-up box
5. Repaired the issue where there is no notice when you don’t have enough Gold to post clan invitation announcement

Download Mafia City 1.3.215 Mod


【New Content】
1.New Audio Feature: Can now change the Turf background music by clicking on the Radio at the Mansion
2.Item Recycling Feature (Test): Item can be recycled from time to time and then to obtain corresponding amount of resources
【New Feature】
1.New Like feature: can now like other member at Clan Chat, after Clan Members Mansion reached the specified level
2.Battle Report can now be shared to Private Message
【Optimized & Adjust】
1.Item Sorting Optimization: Adjusted the order of some items, making it easier to find them
2.Invite Friend Optimization: Invitation can be sent to friend once game account has been bounded with any Third-Party Account
3.Optimized Raid Information: Time of crews sent to join Raid can now be seen at the Raid interface
4.Mercenary Search Optimization: Different Mercenary of the same level can now be searched
5.Unlock Babe Optimization: Can now be directed to the Babe packs when click to the Unlock button
6.Use All Optimization: Use All feature can now use the Leader EXP and Check item (Leader EXP can only be used at EXP interface)
7.Adjusted: During Raid, damage from opponent will be evenly distributed amongst Bulker’s of all Leaders in Raid
8.Adjusted: Flash system has be renamed to “Interaction” as well as included more Interaction feature
9.Adjusted: The “Spring Monthly Pack” will be renamed to “ Super Monthly Pack” at the same time increase the rewards collectable each day
10.Adjusted certain Chapter Plot tasks
【Repaired Content】
1.Repaired the issue where the red dot at Catalina’s online reward is not refreshed in time
2.Repaired the abnormity issue with the main jobs’ guidance when Daily Contract Reward can be collected
3.Repaired the issue where notice not given when sending message in Clan Chat if muted
4.Repaired the abnormal issue with the Heal All feature in Hospital
5.Repaired the issue where building option are not displayed when guided to the Mansion
6.Repaired the issue where nothing happens when using Red Wine while not having the Black Market building
7.Repaired the issue where there is no notice when re-donating after Donated Property are maxed
8.Repaired the abnormal display issue with the displayed condition of @ in the City/Clan Chat

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【New Content】
1.New Chat Message Recall Feature
2.Construction Set: Wearer will be able to exert the ultimate creativity of a Constructor
【New Feature】
1.Mercenary Search: Unlocked when Mansion is above Lv. 8 and event is active
2.New Avatar Picture
3.Included certain new sound and special effect
【Optimized & Adjust Content】
1.Optimized & Updated certain interface
2.Set Enhancing Event Optimization: Can directly Enhance to Dominator Set on the event Page
3.Power Increasing Optimization: Different power’s increasing means can be viewed at the Power Badge interface
4.Equipment Synthesize Optimization: Add Synthesize entrance at the equipping interface
5.Equipment Exchange Optimization: If Equipment to be exchanged cannot be equipped due to leader level difference, a lock icon will be displayed
6.VIP Store Optimization: Display’s current Gold amount and Gold entrance at VIP Store interface
7.Account Switching Optimization: A pop-up box will appear if the third-party account switched is not bounded to a corresponding game account
8.Optimized Plantation Event: Notification will be sent when plants are ripe
9.Optimized Spy Report: Spy Report will now display the name and clan of the player that spied you
10.Adjust: Chronicle and City Report will be moved to secondary menu
【Repair Content】
1.Repaired the issue where there is no notification when there is insufficient items
2.Repaired the issue where Equipment switch might fail when connection is not stable
3.Repaired the issue with players’ status during Clash of Mafia
4.Repaired the issue where clan notice is sent even when kicking member was not successful
5.Repaired the issue where the durability bubble still appears after upgrading Wall
6.Repaired the abnormal notice issue when investment is completed through Help
7.Repaired the issue where Vigilante can still be selected even when they are already sent to join Raid

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