Spiderman And Venom Maximum Carnage Cheats Game Genie

Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.

  • Machine: SNES;
  • Manufacturer: Acclaim; Software Creations

Maximum Carnage Cheats Genesis

Bring On The Bad Guys

Ravencroft's two least favorite inmates, Carnage and Shriek, are loose. And to make matters worse, they've recruited Doppleganger (Spider-Man's evil twin), Carrion (a genetics experiment gone awry), and Demogoblin (a demon version of Hobgoblin, another Spidey foe). What a motley crew!

  • Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage. Five continues: Quickly press Up(2), Down, A, B, Select on controller two at the 'Start' screen. Five lives: Quickly press Down, Y, B, R, L, Select on controller two at the 'Start' screen. Seven hidden health meter bars: Quickly press Left, L, A, X, Y, Select on controller two at the 'Start' screen.
  • Go to the ATM in the first level where you can play as Venom. Press B + Y to jump to a secret level. Skip fighting scenes Tap B, C repeatedly when the Comic Book scene with Carnage and the captured Venom appears. The scenes of Spider-Man fighting will be skipped.
  • Spider Man and Venom Separation Anxiety Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.
  • Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety SpiderMan Spiderman and the X-Men Arcade's Revenge Splatterhouse 2 Splatterhouse 3 Star Control Stargate Stormlord Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition Street Smart Streets of Rage Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3 Strider Strider Returns Sub-Terrania Super Airwolf Super Hang-On Super Monaco GP 2 Super.
  • Quickly press Left, L, A, X, Y, Select on controller two at the 'Start' screen. Secret level: Go to the ATM in the first level where you can play as Venom. Press B + Y to jump to a secret level. Hint: Fighting more than one Boss: When fighting more than one boss, do not hit them.
  • Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Mega Drive/Genesis, developed by Software Creations and published.

To help the Wall-Crawler on his adventure, we've provided tips on fighting all of the Super-Villains. These are the guys that undoubtedly can cause you the most problems, as you tangle with them over and over, level after trying level.

The Super-Villains get faster and learn deadlier moves as the game progresses, so don't be surprised if they don't give you everything they've got during your first encounter. Also, the rules of the fight change depending on your location. Kung fu panda ps3 game cheats xbox 360. For instance, you can normally pick up and throw Shriek, but when you meet her on a rooftop, you can't. I guess the programmers didn't want Spidey to end the fight too soon by tossing her off the side. Oh well.

A Web-slinger's Guide To Surviving


  1. Horizontal Bolt (25%): Can hit from any distance. When she pulls her hands back and they begin to glow, immediately move up, down, or jump to avoid the blast.
  2. Vertical Bolt (25%): She mostly uses this move to move around, but she can also use it to knock you off a wall.
  3. Uppercut (20%): Almost as mean as her Bolt, but she has to be right next to you to do it. Don't let her get in close!
  4. Punch (10%): Her weakest attack, but deadly when put into a combo with an Uppercut.

Strategy: Webs affect her, but she quickly breaks out when you tie her up. You can also web-swing to clear her horizontal bolt, which also puts some breathing room between you. Sneak up on her from above or below, grab her, punch her a couple of times, then throw her. You can also reel her in with a web-line. This works very well and should finish her off quickly.


  1. Glider Charge (5%): Not very threatening, but it can knock you over an edge.
  2. Punch (5%): Normal punch - not a problem.
  3. Claw Rake (20%): A damaging swipe that he delivers whenever you get too close. Unlike a punch, the claw rake instantly knocks you down.
  4. Kick (10%): A normal front kick that has a slightly longer range than Demogoblin's punch or claw rake.
  5. Pumpkin Bomb (25%): Does a little damage when it first hits, but causes major injuries when it explodes. You have plenty of time to get away, though.

Strategy: Wait for Demogoblin to toss a pumpkin bomb, then rush in and deliver a few quick punches. He's not very hard to beat as long as you stay on him and avoid his Pumpkin Bombs. Rage online game cheats games.


  1. Life Drain (25%): Carrion attacks from above with this lethal attack. To avoid it, simply stay out from underneath of him. If he does manage to grab you, quickly shake free and run away.

Strategy: Watch Carrion's shadow to determine where exactly he is in relation to you - you need to be on his same level to attack. Use standing and running jump kicks, and try to fight him at the top of the screen to keep him on your level.



  1. Ceiling Climb (10%): Not as damaging as his other attacks, but this move knocks Spidey off a wall if he tries to climb.
  2. Trident (20%): Geez! How many long distance attacks does he have?
  3. Claw Swipe (20%): Another good reason not to stick near Carnage, as if you needed one.
  4. Axe Slash (45%): A devastating punishment for sticking too close for too long. A couple and you are history.
  5. Axe Stab (20%): Another vicious long range attack.
  6. Spear (20%): One of Carnage's many long range attacks. Don't stand on level with him at any distance until you're ready to strike.
  7. Blade Whirlwind (75%): Ouch! The most powerful attack in the game. You can't hurt him during this move - just step aside quickly.

Strategy: Carnage is one tough cookie. He has more attacks than anyone else, and virtually all of them do a ton of damage. The key to beating him is learning these attacks and his patterns. Don't try to take him head-on, instead, think carefully about each move and don't stay close to him for too long. Find an opening and strike quickly.


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Cheat mode Enter the options menu, choose the 'Secret Codes' selection, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codes will only work once per profile. The bonus cars are only available in Quick Race mode. Nfs undercover cheats.

Destroy them, then successfully complete the level. Then, play the 'Birth Of Obsidius' level at Seattle, and defeat Obsidius to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 20,000.Orga: Unlock the Alien faction to also unlock Orga for purchase at the shop for 50,000.Space Godzilla: Collect at least four Power Surges, then successfully complete the 'Tyrant' level with the Mutant faction to unlock Space Godzilla for purchase at the shop for 100,000.Titanosaurus: Play the 'Soloist' level at Sydney with the Global Defense Force faction. Godzilla unleashed game cheats xbox 360. Destroy the three flat circular ice structures just outside the force field on the frozen land with a beam weapon. Successfully complete the level, then play the 'Awakening Titanosaurus' level at Sydney.

  1. Leaping Charge (10%): Doppleganger's favorite move. Stay out from in front of him or he kills you with it.
  2. Pummel: if he gets in close, Doppleganger bashes you with all six arms.
  3. Grab & Pummel (25%): He grabs you and starts punching.
  4. Webbing (10%): Six strands of webbing fire from any distance. Simply step aside.
  5. Roll Kick: A sneaky move that he doesn't use often. Not strong, but it knocks you down.
  6. Swing Kick (20%): Doppleganger can come out of nowhere with this advanced move. Watch for it.

Strategy: Web-lines & Web Shield have no effect, so stick with the normal attacks. Also, you can't grapple with Doppleganger. Simply stand a few steps above or below him and continue to rapidly hit the punch button. He walks in front of you, getting hit with the punches before he can attack.

Maximum Carnage Cheats Snes

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Sega Genesis Maximum Carnage Cheats

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