You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself Fetus

My Boyfriend Cheated on Me

You thought you knew him. Your boyfriend was loving, kind, and affectionate, and you found out that he wasn't the man you believed him to be. If you discovered that your boyfriend cheated on you, it's completely understandable that you're devastated. But you can get through this, with the right resources.

Feeling Confused And Upset? There's Help To Work Through Your Emotions
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'Why Did He Cheat on Me?'

You may be asking yourself, 'Why did my boyfriend cheat on me?' You're angry, hurt, and feel betrayed. This person was supposed to love you and honor your commitments. They've broken your trust and made you question everything about your relationship. When you find out that your partner cheated, many questions come into play. And you're allowed to feel all of your feelings. There is no wrong way to feel in this situation.

Twitter PC Gamer's Wes Fenlon implies that FetusBerry (the 'You cheated not only the game, but yourself' guy) harassed their writer, James Davenport. In fact the orignal tweet that went viral was only replying to the main PC Gamer account. TWITTER BULLSHIT. You Cheated Not Only the Game, But Yourself refers to a viral tweet made by Twitter user @Fetusberry in which he criticized PC Gamer journalist James Davenport for resorting to cheats to beat the final boss in 2019 video game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

You may be in a state of shock. That's understandable, and if you can't seem to grasp what he did, you don't have to push yourself to feel differently than you feel right now. Your emotions are probably all over the place. One thing you can do is talk to your friends. Confide in a close friend or loved one and tell them how you're feeling. You're allowed to be angry, sad, frustrated, or confused. Maybe you believed that your relationship was perfect, and this infidelity comes as a complete surprise to you. Perhaps you suspected something was wrong, but couldn't put your finger on it. Whatever the case may be, you know the truth, and now it's time to handle your emotions.

The Game is an example of ironic processing (also known as the 'White Bear Principle'), in which attempts to suppress or avoid certain thoughts make those thoughts more common or persistent than they would be at random. There are early examples of ironic processing: in 1840, Leo Tolstoy played the 'white bear game' with his brother, where he would 'stand in a corner and not think of the white. “Definitely let them know you have cheated, but do not over share the gritty details,” says Brito. “In my experience, there is more harm than good when the partner learns all these. Trust in your heart's ability to recover in it's own time, take a deep breath, and begin the process of recovery with baby steps. Step 5: Love Yourself the Way You Are. After finding out your partner has cheated on you, you might start noticing all of your mistakes and faults more, even ones that aren't real. It will be her decision afterwards if she would want you out of her life. Yes, she still has the say if she would dump your cheating ass or not. She has the final say and you get nothing because you have been fucking greedy, thinking that you can get two pussies. You only get one, selfish motherfucker and you fucking blew it. 301 Moved Permanently.


How can you cope? While friends and loved ones have great insight, another way you can handle your complex emotions is therapy. Whether you see an individual therapist or go to couples counseling or both, therapy can help you process your feelings about cheating. You can get through this time with the support of a mental health professional who cares. Online counseling is an excellent place to start working through these feelings and talking about how the affair impacted your life. If you're in couples counseling, the therapist can help you communicate your emotions to your boyfriend in a way that he can hear them. Therapy will help you confront your pain, get support, and move forward.

BetterHelp Cares About Your Heart

Relationships are an integral part of our lives. We all want to be loved, and when you've found a partner who you adore, you want to keep that connection healthy. The counselors at BetterHelp can support you as you navigate issues that come up in your romantic relationship. They've worked with many people in your shoes and helped them heal from the wounds of infidelity. Maybe you're considering leaving your boyfriend, but you're unsure. Perhaps you want to hash out your problems because you love him and want to stay together. It's okay not to know, and you will figure it out in online counseling.

Feeling Confused And Upset? There's Help To Work Through Your Emotions

You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself Fetus Will

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The counselors at BetterHelp want you to find real, lasting love. Maybe you and your boyfriend have a chance to make this relationship work, but you don't know until you process everything in a healthy way. You might be working on your problems in individual therapy, or you may be talking about cheating with your boyfriend and a couples counselor. These are both great options. You deserve to have someone who cares about you and can be honest about their feelings. Your online therapist at BetterHelp will support you in navigating through these emotions you're feeling, and you will make the right decision as to how to handle your boyfriend's indiscretion. Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp counselors.

Counselor Reviews

'She's been an incredible help with everything I've brought to her attention, I would strongly recommend her to friends and family also seeking help/guidance.'

You Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself

'Alex helped me so much, I will always be enormously grateful. Not only she is clearly outstanding at her job and very professional, she happened to be for me this warm light in a sort of mist which, even though you don't know how far you'll have to walk, you'll get there eventually.'

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Your Feelings Are Valid After Being Cheated On

Maybe you had suspicions of his unfaithfulness, or perhaps you were completely blindsided by it. It could be that he confessed to you first, or maybe your friends saw him out one night. No matter how it happened, you felt devastated after he cheated on you. It was like a punch in the gut. More than likely, you got angry, or sad, or determined, or all of these emotions occurred at once. When you find out that your trust has been shattered there is no wrong way to feel. You might feel angry, sad, or shocked. These are all understandable emotions given the circumstances.

Next Steps

But what do you do next? It's tempting to try to 'move on' after he begs for forgiveness, but that's easier said than done. Recovering from infidelity in a relationship takes a lot of hard work - and usually, needs the support of a professional counselor to walk both you and your partner through the ruins of your relationship and to help you rebuild it.

If you're struggling to get over an incident of cheating in your life, here are some things to think through that may help you effectively process the occurrence and move on. Writing your answers out can be extremely helpful for processing your feelings.

- Did you fully trust your partner before the cheating incident?

- Does your partner seem genuinely sorry, or were they sorrier that they got caught?

- Is your partner willing to do hard work to repair the relationship, or do they want to move on as quickly as possible without dealing with the fallout?

- Are unresolved feelings from past infidelity affecting the level of trust in your current relationship?

- What would it take for you to trust your partner again fully?

- What makes you want to repair and continue this relationship?

- If your best friend came to you with a similar situation, what advice would you give them? Are you following your advice?

- Does your partner seem angry or irritated at you for not trusting them after this incident?

- Are they willing to give you the support or space you need to address your emotions?


Professional Help

If you have suffered through infidelity, you could greatly benefit from counseling. Whether you're trying to salvage your relationship, or you need to recover after your relationship ended, an unresolved incident of cheating can have severe consequences for the health of your relationships even if you leave your unfaithful partner. has experienced, licensed counselors available that can help you rebuild your capacity to trust an intimate partner. Their services are affordable and offered in a convenient online format. You deserve to be happy, and your happiness shouldn't have to suffer based on someone else's poor decisions. Seek help and start to put your life back together. If you prefer traditional, face-to-face therapy, this is also a great resource to coping with, processing, and moving forward in life.

Face Feelings of Loss

The fact that your boyfriend cheated on you represents a loss of your life. Whether the relationship can be repaired or not, you have lost the connection you once had. You may go through periods of intense sadness, anger, and guilt. You may be obsessed with understanding why this happened to you. You might convince yourself to give your boyfriend another chance on certain conditions. It's common to go through all the stages of grief.

It can be a very emotional time in your life. However, you might feel numb and wonder what's wrong with you if you don't cry. Either way, it's essential to identify your feelings and come to terms with them. If you're speaking to a therapist about these feelings, you have the opportunity to express them to someone who won't judge you. This counselor can guide you in rethinking your situation now that you have the new information that your boyfriend has cheated. With unique thought patterns in place, the feelings can become more manageable.

Watch for Signs of Depression and Anxiety

After you've lost trust in your boyfriend, your grief can turn into depression. Perhaps you aren't taking care of yourself as you once did. Maybe you're spending a lot of time alone. Your identity might have been so wrapped up in the relationship that you no longer know who you are or what purpose there is in your life. If you get stuck in thoughts that your life as you knew it is over, depression can eventually follow. Look out for these signs:

  • Feelings of sadness
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Eating too much or too little
  • Unexplained aches
  • Feeling anxious or irritable
  • Not able to concentrate as usual
  • Having little or no energy
  • Losing interest in favorite activities

Anxiety can rear its head, especially if you've been in the relationship for a long time. You may feel anxiety intensely if your housing situation has changed, or you were dependent on their income to make ends meet. You might feel anxiety for no other reason than that you're in new and uncomfortable territory on a path you did not choose. A therapist can teach your techniques for dealing with anxiety.

Your boyfriend has dealt a blow to your sense of self-worth. You may wonder if you're loveable at all. If his actions made you feel like you're not attractive enough, smart enough, or not good enough, you can benefit from spending some time building your self-esteem.

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An online counselor can help you evaluate your thoughts and understand how your boyfriend's infidelity compromised your sense of self-worth. They may suggest that you think of your positive qualities. They might give you homework to do things that bring out the best in you and increase your self-esteem. Having good self-esteem can affect everything from your career to your family relationships. Improving it is an excellent way to move on with a more satisfying life or to stay with a new sense of independence.


Manage Your Anger

Anger is a natural reaction to being cheated on by your partner. You can be the most loving, caring, attractive, and exciting person in the world, but if your boyfriend has issues of his own, he may still cheat. Allow yourself to feel your anger without telling yourself it's wrong.

Feelings of anger don't always show up right away. You may feel hurt, rejected, or sad at first. You may never permit yourself to feel your anger if you learned to fear or avoid that emotion as a child. The best thing you can do if you have unresolved feelings of anger is to get into therapy and Resident evil 3 pc game cheats pc.

Learn how to manage those feelings. It isn't helpful to deny or suppress anger, but your counselor can help you find appropriate ways to deal with it. Zg survival game cheats codes.

Learn to Avoid Unhealthy Relationships

What so often happens when we end a relationship with someone who's cheated on us is that we quickly fall into a similar relationship. Learning what contributed to the infidelity and other problems in your relationship can help you avoid having a series of boyfriends who do the same to you. That means dealing with the issues that cause you to be attracted to these kinds of people. It also means knowing the red flags to look for when you get involved with someone new, this incident was painful enough, and you probably don't want something like this to happen to you again. A counselor can help you explore your background and issues so that you become better at choosing partners.

How to Make a New Plan After Being Cheated On

If your boyfriend cheated on you, something in the relationship was broken. You may decide to stay with your boyfriend and forge a new relationship. That road can be a difficult one. Both people have to participate in the healing and rebuilding process of the relationship. A therapist can help you with this process fairly and reasonably. If you don't deal with the infidelity in a way that works for both of you, the problem is bound to resurface, whether in another episode of cheating or in the gradual disintegration of your relationship.


You've Cheated Not Only The Game But Yourself

Should you stay, or should you go? You need to make a new plan. You need a game plan for yourself that honors your rights and who you are as an individual. The relationship will never be the same. However, if you both do the work to heal the broken bond, it could survive and maybe even get better. You may find that you aren't willing to continue it. You may instead want to spend your time and effort in building a new life on your own. Working with an online counselor can help you build confidence in yourself, point you in the direction of what you want in a romantic relationship, and help you achieve that goal. You can have the life you want, but to do so, you have to deal with your issues and learn how to love yourself more.

Contact BetterHelp

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For more information on where to find a therapist that can help you, you can reach out to You can also find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Facebook, YouTube & Tumblr.

Read more from BetterHelp about Cheating & Mental Health:

  • Is He Cheating Or Am I Paranoid: How To Know For Sure -
  • I Cheated On My Boyfriend And I Feel Awful. What Can I Do? -
  • 5 Signs She Is Cheating On You -
  • She Cheated On Me, Why Do I Still Love Her? -
  • My Girlfriend Cheated On Me: Now What? -
If you are in crisis or want to learn more about mental health, do not hesitate to call the hotlines below:

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  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) - 1-800-656-4673

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

  • NAMI Helpline (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - 1-800-950-6264, for more information:, or visit their Facebook Page.